Tuesday, March 10th

Missouri Primary Guide

The Missouri Democratic primary takes place on Tuesday, March 10th and all registered Missouri voters may participate.

Polls are open from 6:00 AM through 7:00 PM. You will need a photo ID to cast a vote.

Can I participate even if I’m not a registered Democrat?

Yes! Democrats, Independents, and Republican voters in Missouri may participate in the Democratic Primary. Just make sure you are registered to vote in the State of Missouri.

Do I need photo ID to vote on Tuesday?

Yes, photo ID is needed to vote in the March 2020 Primary Election. Here is a list of acceptable IDs. If you do not have ID, you may be eligible to cast a provisional ballot.

Who will appear on the ballot?

The Missouri primary ballot will include several candidates who’ve withdrawn from the race. Here’s a list of active candidates who will appear on the primary ballot:

  • Joe Biden

  • Tulsi Gabbard

  • Bernie Sanders

What is a primary? How is it different from the caucuses that have taken place in Iowa and Nevada?

The Missouri primary process is much more straightforward than the caucuses that took place in other states. Participants simply go to their standard polling location and vote for their candidate of choice. The experience is very similar to participating in a general election. Here are some extra voter tools.

I have other questions about the process. Can you help?

Sure! Email us at info@centeractionnow.org and we will do our best to help. The KCUR public radio station has their own Missouri Primary FAQ that may also be helpful.